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How to replace your Pleasure Craft Operator Card

We will reply to your request within 24 hours.

To replace a lost or damaged Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC), please send your request via e-mail to: support@freecourse.ca

To replace a PCOC issued by freecourse.ca: In your e-mail request, please provide the following information:

  • First and last name on PCOC
  • Cardholder’s current mailing address
  • Cardholder’s date of birth
  • Card registration number if known (starts with 05400)

To replace a PCOC issued by another company: In your e-mail request, provide the following:

  • An image of the damaged operator card, if possible
  • A copy of the temporary operator card, if possible
  • Cardholder’s personal info (name, mailing address, date of birth)

Contact Us

Mailing address:
422 Halldon Place,
Ottawa, ON, K2B 7B8


Speak to an actual person:
Mon – Sun, 6AM - 10PM EST

Wear It!

Failure to wear a flotation device is the leading contributing factor in boating fatalities. When on the water, the single-most important thing that you can do to prevent drowning is to always wear a properly adjusted PFD or lifejacket of appropriate type, size, and fit.

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