A “powered watercraft” is any type of watercraft that is fitted with any type or size of motor (even an electric trolling motor). In all provinces in Canada, failure to carry your PCOC when operating a powered pleasure craft risks a $250 fine.
Get Your PCOC Today in Three (3) Easy Steps.
It's Free to Try; You Pay Only If You Pass The Exam.
Study the
official course
To start, click on the button below labelled "Take the official PCOC course". More...
To qualify to write the official PCOC exam (which is open book and unsupervised) you need to first complete the official online PCOC course, which you can study at your own pace and on any device.
Pass the
official exam
Unsupervised & open book. Fifty multiple-choice questions. Score 75% to pass. More...
97% of our clients pass the PCOC exam on their first try. The PCOC exam is free. Retries are also free.
Order your
official PCOC
Print your free temporary PCOC immediately and order your official PCOC. More...
Upon passing the PCOC exam, our system then lets you 1) Print your temporary operator card; and 2) Order your official permanent PCOCs. Your first PCOC costs $29.95. Backup PCOCs are only $6.95 each.

Learn your way, at your own pace, on any device.
You can access the free accredited PCOC course and PCOC exam anytime, from anywhere, using any device. Plus, the system keeps track of your progress so that you can come and go as you please. Every time that you log in, the system takes you right back to where you left off. Although you can take as long as you like to complete it, the PCOC course can be completed in as little as three hours, which means that you can be tested and certified today.